
Finding Candidates – Part One of a Series

Depending on your specific requirements and preferred attributes that were developed in the success profile can help determine where to find candidates for your particular opening.

  1. Use the specific Success Profile to guide your content and write an advertisement to be used to post your position. Include the most important details, the must-haves, even the deliverables. We even suggest, posting the salary because it gets better, more targeted results.
    1. Set a clear objective
    2. List good hard details about the company
    3. Start with a summary (broad overview), and end with requirements.
    4. Don’t forget to mention how to apply!
  1. Post the position, aka advertise! Here are some ideas to get you started: Online recruitment sites (i.e.; ZipRecruiter, Indeed, CareerBuilder), social networks, special interest groups, university alumni groups, notice boards, trade associations, company website, local papers, etc.


  1. In some markets, the quantity of good candidates are in short supply, and direct advertising can be less effective than you had hoped.


  1. Actively building a pool of potential candidates is where a great consultant can help. Our expert recruiting team can provide both the advertisement as well as posting the job not only on the list of all the locations above, but within their growing and expansive network of qualified candidates, companies, decision makers with more contacts, and they come with incredible experience in finding in their network, strong, passive candidates who are very qualified. They have the time to do the very labor intensive searching, wooing, and screening.

While searching for candidates may appear easy, finding the right candidate and vetting them takes time and effort. Delays in work, loss of revenue and the stress of the interview process can take their toll on you and your business.

Ethos is here to help find the most suitable person for your company. In a hot job market, you need to not only attract a suitable candidate but also understand how to retain them. Let us know how we can help you navigate this process.
